Friday, June 27, 2008

Pay it Forward

In the course of dining out the last couple of days, two things struck me as worth mentioning.

The first surprise came when I received the check at Bombay Spice, a restaurant claiming to "redefine" Indian cuisine by replacing fattening gee and cream with olive oil and fat free yogurt. That's a whole other post but back to the check.

I opened the bill and there was a silver dollar with a note that they recognize gas prices are crazy, it costs more to even drive to dine out now and they were so glad that we came. Interesting concept. I left the silver dollar for the server (on top of her tip, of course). You know, pay it forward?

The second surprise came today on the menu at Lisa G's. The menu announced a partnership between the restaurant and the Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center. The restaurant is allowing young adults to come and train in the restaurant (with their job coach). Interesting concept. And generous and touching, too. Pay it forward by helping others help themselves.

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