I couldn't very well post the worst kitchen gadgets without immediately coming clean on the best tools.
And notice I said top 10 "tools," not gadgets.
Because even if a couple of these are truly gadgets in the dictionary sense, they are so critical to a well-equipped kitchen that they've earned a promotion to tool status.
I've not mentioned any pots or pans on this list. Those deserve their own top 10 list, and I'll get around to that one day.
With the exception of one, none of these tools is considered a kitchen appliance, either, as that, too, deserves it's own list. Something like "Cool Kitchen Tools with Cords Attached."
Here are the top 10 kitchen tools that every serious cook should have:
(drum roll, please)
10. Hand held blender
So many tools could have taken this coveted 10th spot, but ultimately I decided on the blender stick. It purees sauces, both sweet and savory and soups and dips. It fits in a drawer, it's easy to store and even easier to clean.
9. Fish spatula
A fish spatula is wider at the tip than at the handle. It's thin and has slats. Not only does it flip delicate fillets without breaking them in two, it's perfect for flipping pancakes, potato cakes and pretty much anything else.
8. Wooden spoon
Why wooden? It works on non-stick surfaces. It's the best, sturdy tool to stir cookie dough. The only downside, if you consider it one, is that it must be hand washed. No dishwasher, unless you don't mind ruining it.
7. Ice cream scoop
Of course it works on ice cream, but it also can portion out muffin batter, cookie dough, meatballs and crab cakes so that each one is the same size as the previous one, which is only important if you want them to cook evenly, and perhaps look a little uniform.
6. Kitchen shears
From snipping herbs, cutting kitchen string and even poultry, shears are indispensable in the kitchen.
5. Microplane
This cool tool moved from the woodworking shop to the kitchen, and we've been grateful ever since. Grate citrus zest, ginger, Parmesan, and even chocolate.
4. Whisk
Get fluffier scrambled eggs with a whisk and fold in whipped cream or egg whites into batters with fewer strokes; this tool is also essential for smooth, lump-free sauces and gravies.
3. Serrated knife
It is the only knife that should touch bread.
2. Paring knife
For those tiny little jobs where a chef's knife is overkill, like slicing strawberries.
1. High quality chef's knife
If you had to chose only one tool, this is THE tool. Since it is the workhorse of the kitchen, you should invest in the best knife you can afford. Which one? That depends on you. Go to a knife shop and hold several. One of them will whisper your name. Buy it.
1 comment:
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