Saturday, March 28, 2009

For a song...

Warning! This is not a food post. Proceed with caution...

Meet Skyclo. Skyclo is the ultimate, low maintenance pet.

More expensive than a chia pet, but so much more appealing.

We picked up Skyclo for a song (the Beatles complete anthology, for price reference.)

Kidding, but still, Skyclo wasn't cheap.

I was lingering a bit too long over the little guy and the boutique shop girl came over to ask if I was interested in buying him.

Me: "How much?"

Her: "$5."

Me: "Five bucks??!!"

Her: "Uh, no. $500.00"

Me: "Holy @#$%!"

And then I walk away, dazed and confused. I look around the adorable little dog shop on Main Street in Park City, thinking I should trade in my chef's knife for a hunk of clay.

A couple minutes later, shop girl says, "My boss really wants to move these things, so I can offer you a deal on the little Westie." Really, I say, looking around at approximately 30 other dog breeds sitting on shelves.

I spot the hairless dog. Funny, it's the only ceramic sculpture with hair. A little tuft protruding from his little skull.

"How does $300.00 sound?" she twerps. Uh, no, I say, although I am beginning to realize that these are really works of art.

"OK! $200.00. That's as low as I can go," she says. SOLD! I say. And that's how we acquired our third dog. We named him Skyclo, after our other two, um, more vocal Westies: Sklyar and Chloe.

A couple days later, I wandered back to the pet boutique, only to discover that it had closed. I forgot to get information about the artist, and after an exhaustive internet search (5 minutes), I can't seem to find anything about this artist, so I can't point you in the right direction in case you were interested in having one of your own.

$200.00 isn't cheap, I know, and my friends have laughed at me for spending that much, but it is still cheaper than having a real dog. I know because I still have two. Now, if I can just get them all three to sit together for a family portrait.

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